Tag Archive | Jim Rohn

Taking 100 Percent Responsibility of Your Life

Taking 100% responsibility for your life is taking ownership of it. The choice is yours!

“Responsibility is the price of greatness.” – Winston Churchill

An event, whether positive or negative, does not determine your outcome or your response. The meaning you give the event is what determines your outcome or response. It’s your reaction to the action that becomes the catalyst to what comes next. It can be destructive and debilitating, or it can be abundant and fulfilling. What type of fuel will you choose to use in order to take positive steps and achieve success?

First, it’s time to stop the blaming, shaming, complaining, justifying, and wallowing in self-pity. Instead, it’s time to take your life back by taking 100% responsibility for your life. This is something I’ve learned from a co-author and mentor in life, Jack Canfield. In fact, it is one of the principles he covers in his book “The Success Principles”.

“You are who you are today, and will be who you will be tomorrow because of the actions you take or the excuses you make.” – Kevin Klimowski

We have all been given an opportunity in life. It’s how we interpret it, shape it, apply it (or not) that makes the difference. That’s why some of the poorest of the poor have become the richest of the rich. These are the people who took advantage of the opportunities to become successful. Did they face adversity, roadblocks, failures, and doubts? Sure. But instead of blaming others or life they took responsibility for themselves and achieved their level personal of success.

Life is full of examples of people who overcame disabilities, illness, challenges, and setbacks. All too often in the world today there are people who never want to own up to their actions or even carry out their responsibilities. Once you reach a certain age in your life, you must carry on as an adult and dive headfirst into a world of important decisions. Especially when you think of life decisions that will mold your future, you must take complete responsibility for your actions and choices. You have to stop justifying and blaming if you want to achieve any great level of success in your lifetime.

“We can let circumstances rule us, or we can take charge and rule our lives from within.” – Earl Nightingale

Life is full of learning experiences. If you are not able to learn from mistakes you’ve made, then you are cheating yourself out of some of the most valuable lessons. Character building comes from realizing you have made a mistake, owning up to any situation that you may have caused, and then finding the best possible way to make everything better again. People are quick to point the finger in order to get out of all kinds of sticky situations. However, it is the people who do not turn and run from their responsibilities that become great leaders, excellent parents and are successful in life.

Can society and the ever-intrusive media be the cause of the destruction of integrity and responsibility in the world, as we know it today? Of course! It is the knowledge of just how you can do your part in order to make a change in the world that is most important.

Certainly we are all only human and it is within the nature of humanity to make mistakes. Looking back on your past, owning up to it and taking responsibility for yourself can help to eliminate repeat performances in the future. You are only one person, yet when you show others how to rise above, you are a force to be reckoned with. You are not changing – we can’t change the past. Instead, you are evolving. You are coming forth gradually into being. You are developing yourself, and undergoing a transitional improvement for the betterment of your life.

“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.” – Jim Rohn

Only YOU can either stop or start you. So make the commitment and take ownership of your life, take 100% responsibility!

Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life!

~ an excerpt from Millionaire Secrets In You

“There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes;
It’s what you do with them that’s important.” ~ Jim Rohn

Success is like a combination lock, and once you know the numbers and the correct sequence they go in, the lock must open each and every time without fail. Your lock to your own success will be different than anyone else’s, and even though the numbers may be the same, what makes your lock different is the sequence of the numbers. The chapters or keys in this book relate to the numbers of the combination to unlock the success in life that you have always dreamt of.  It’s now up to you to find your sequence.

Life is live, it’s not a dress rehearsal, you can’t take a Mulligan, and you can’t TiVo or DVR it and replay it later, and you can’t get it back to try again. It is happening right now, this very second. You can, however, choose to live it differently, perhaps even better from this second forward. The good news is that things are always changing and you, as the “Director of You” can change your story anytime you want. Yes, you are both the Director and you play the leading role in your life which is appearing “live” right now, so take ACTION.

Today is literally the first day of the rest of your life. Now, choose how you’re going to live it! Set your sight on a goal or desired outcome that you want and then make a plan and work diligently to achieve it.

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan.
And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” ~ Jim Rohn

Think about it … your whole life changes the minute you change how you think and feel about your life!


Jodi Nicholson is Success Coach, Consultant and Mentor. If you would like to experience a quantum leap in your life or business then coaching with her can be an ideal solution as you begin or continue your journey to a successful and fabulous life. For a complimentary consultation, please send an email to Jodi@jodinicholson.com with your contact information and best time to reach you. You may also call 1-888-689-1130 or visit online for more information. VISIT JODI ONLINE
Order Millionaire Secrets in You

Millionaire Secrets In You: Uncover, Unlock and Unleash The Success Within You