Tag Archive | coaching

Backwards Planning … Start With The End In Mind

You may have already starting planning for your life with a certain ending in mind and you didn’t even realize it. If you start to think about it, this is an incredibly smart way to look to the future, by looking at the end first and then working your way backwards. Just as with any type of goal setting, you want to raise the bar to a certain level. Then you start working your way slowly toward the end goal until you achieve it or even surpass it. Because this is your destiny, then you are able to mold it any way that you would like.

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan,
in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act.
There is no other route to success.” – Stephen A. Brennan

If you haven’t really started to look that much into the future, then you will want to start by thinking of what you would want the final picture to look like at the end. Take stock of some of the dreams that you have had in your mind and think of the things that you would like to say that you are proud of at the end. Do you have a specific person there with you that you are sharing your life with? Perhaps there is a certain career that you would like to be in or you would like to have traveled to a number of areas around the globe.

Plan your work and work your plan. – Jodi Nicholson

Let’s say you want to grow your wealth, start a new business, become the top salesperson in your company, get healthy and fit, or even write a book, then, you work backward to figure out how to achieve that goal. Consider what you will need to do in order to achieve different milestones along the way to reach the ultimate goal? What are the landmarks? The same holds true for all your goals whether personal and professional, plan your life and live your plan.

If you have always been the kind of person who procrastinates, then you are going to have to get out of that pattern and take on a new mindset. In order to truly plan ahead, you need to make sure that you have the drive and determination to do so. When you do not have the proper amount of drive then you are going to sit in your current lifestyle and merely grow old. Possibly resulting in simply spinning your wheels in a dead-end career that will only keep you down and hinder your dreaming process, preventing success. Stop watching the world pass you and your goals by. Make a plan, and act on it. If you need help, then working with a Success Coach can be a true ally.

As you move along toward your end goal, never be afraid to change it up if you feel the need to. There are many people who figure out part of the way towards their dreams that they are looking for another career or that they would even like to go for a completely different lifestyle. Follow your dreams, and work toward your end goal with backwards planning – it will make more sense as you go along and help to define a clear picture with items you need to do.

“He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he who would achieve much must sacrifice much;
he who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly.”  – James Allen

Jodi Nicholson is an Inspirational Speaker, Consultant, and Certified Master Coach. With her entrepreneurial spirit, Jodi specializes in Life & Business Coaching, Motivation and Success. She shares her passion for helping others in her private coaching practice, trainings and certification classes through the Success Coach Institute.

Free & Fabulous News | Jodi Nicholson

Check out my new page …

Free & Fabulous News | Jodi Nicholson

Discover Your WHY

– Living a Life with Passion & Purpose – 

This guided visualization (mp3) and printable journal (pdf) will take you on an uplifting and introspective journey designed to help you discover your personal ‘why’.

Discover your why meditation visualization download

Your ‘why’ is a reason for your life that is so compelling and so passionate that it exudes a devotional power from within, and once discovered, pours out positively into everything you do, moving you closer to your goals, ultimate happiness, joy and fulfillment.

Join me as we tap into your personal ‘why’, discover the importance of your unique calling, and uncover your personal desire to live a life with passion; a life on purpose. When you believe that each of us “knows” our calling then you will take notice of its importance.

So live well, live in your passion and know your ‘why’. Why? Because your ‘why’ knows you.

Access the Discover Your Why recording and journal by clicking this link http://eepurl.com/qJkGz and completing the request. This gives me permission to send it to you via email.

You may be asked to approve receiving emails from me, rest assured your privacy is guarded and will not be shared. Thank you in advance and I look forward to connecting with you again. Until then enjoy the journey and Make It A Fabulous Day!

Jodi Nicholson is a best-selling author, consultant and success coach.

She’s recognized as ‘The Fabulous Coach’ and known for bringing her contagious enthusiasm, unique success-driven trainings and transformational experiences to people worldwide. Combined with her entrepreneurial spirit with over 25 years of professional experience as a business owner, her passion for helping others to live their most fabulous life continues to blossom and flourish.


OPT-IN HERE: http://eepurl.com/qJkGz

Goal Writing – Tips & Strategies For Success! « Success Coach Institute Blog

Goal Writing – Tips & Strategies For Success! « Success Coach Institute Blog.

Why should a goal be written, does it really matter? Studies and research say YES and so do the trainers at the Success Coach Institute. Here’s some facts, tips and strategies to compliment your goal setting.

3 Key Strategies To Achieving Your Goals

1. A key strategy in achieving your goals is to write them down. It’s not difficult, but in a recent UGM study we found that only 38% of people had a clear written pathway and plan for 1 year career goals. Perhaps it’s not surprising that only 56% felt they would achieve their 1 year career goals.

2. Share your written goals with supportive others. This step is a powerful personal influencer that significantly increases your chances of reaching the outcomes you are seeking. If you’re not that bothered, why set the goals in the first place? But, don’t be surprised when you’re not making the kind of progress that would make you happy.

3. Make yourself accountable to others for your goals by reporting regularly. Timelines will obviously depend on the time horizon of the goals you are pursuing. Even if they’re long-term goals, you’ll probably want to check in every two months. There is excellent research on long-term projects showing that bi- monthly review cycles have lower failure rates than reviews conducted less frequently.

Study Backs up Strategies for Achieving Goals

Goals matter to Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at California’s Dominican University. For more than 3 decades her research focus has been on the psychology of career choice and career development. Goals obviously play a big part in that.

Naturally, the Yale Business School study on the power of written goals was of interest. In that study, only 3% of the graduating class had specific, written goals for their future. Tracked 20 years later, those 3% with clear goals were earning 10 times what the other 97% who had no written goals were earning. Powerful!

Findings so powerful, that the results are regularly cited. In fact, it’s likely that you’ve also heard of a similar study at the Harvard Business School, between 1979 and 1989. Interestingly, the study found the same results. A search of GoogleBooks reveals these studies are cited in numerous recent titles, by some well-known authors.

Digging a little deeper though, Dr. Matthews discovered that these studies were never conducted. Other investigations have reached the same conclusion. These famous ‘studies’ are just an urban myth. No more than a modern day ‘fairy story’.

Pursuing the truth about written goals poses the question: Why is it that the myth could be perpetuated for so long? A key reason is due to what researchers call ‘face validity’. On face value it seemed plausible. Since goals appeared to have such a pivotal impact on careers, Gail Matthews decided to conduct the study that never was. Admittedly, she was interested in the impact of written goals, commitment to outcomes and goal accountability.

The study was a lot more modest than the Class of ’53 or ’79 with a ten or twenty year horizon. It involved 267 participants, from a wide variety of organizations and professional backgrounds. They were at different levels within their organizations and between 23 and 72 years of age. They came from six diverse countries (including US, India and Japan).

A real study of written goals … The study looked at goals and outcomes relating to a one-month period. Participants were divided randomly into five different groups. Goals differed widely. For example, selling a house, securing a contract, completing a strategic plan, and preventing a hostile take-over. Real people, real goals!

Group 1 simply thought about their goals. They also rated the goals on a number of dimensions: difficulty; importance; skills and resources available; commitment and motivation to goals; and whether the goals had been attempted before and if so, prior success.

Group 2 typed their goals into an online survey and then rated the goals on the five dimensions.

Group 3 did the same as Group 2 and provided action commitments.

Group 4 did the same and then sent these to a supportive friend.

Group 5 also sent weekly progress updates to their supportive friend.

Having written goals makes a huge difference … Those with written goals (Group 2-5) achieved more than those whose goals were not written (Group 1). Group 1 scored 43% on mean goal achievement and Group 4 scored 64%.

This result is statistically significant and the substance of the urban legend (and face validity) is confirmed. Having written goals increases the likelihood of achieving them.

Matthews also found statistically significant support for her additional ideas. Group 5, who had written goals and were sharing weekly updates, achieved the highest average goal achievement score – 76%.  This was significantly higher than the 64% that Group 4 scored (share initially with someone supportive). This, in turn, was notably higher than Group 3, who had written goal actions but had not shared their goals. Group 3 scored 50%.

In an interesting turn, Group 2, who had written goals only, with no actions, scored 60%. So, Group 2 had scored higher than Group 3. However, they had scored much higher than Group 1 (no written goals), whose average score was only 43%. Group 2 also scored significantly lower than Group 5’s 76%.

Conclusions from the Dominican study … The first key insight revealed that accountability has a positive effect on goal outcomes. Those who sent weekly progress updates achieved significantly higher outcomes than those who didn’t. Thinking about the pillars of influence for a moment, you’ll recognize the impact here of ‘reciprocity’. If someone is willing to receive your weekly updates and support you, then you need to reciprocate by carrying through – make and show progress.

The second insight is that just making a public commitment makes a difference. Simply sharing the goals, even once, activates another of the powerful pillars of influence – consistency. Once you’ve publicized something, you’re more likely to follow through with it to be consistent with your statement.

Finally, if you only do one thing in relation to your goals, write them down. Those in the study who did, accomplished significantly more than those who didn’t. You can confidently use and cite this research, knowing that it’s based on evidence rather than an urban myth.


Success tip …




At Success Coach Institute we teach our students theS.M.A.R.T. System To Goal Setting Done R.I.G.H.T. a proprietary method of writing goals enhanced by challenging the goals to make sure it’s right for you … relevant to your life, inspiring, using your gifts, in harmony with your purpose and when completed, assured that you are standing in truth. To learn more, visit us online, attend our Success Coach Certification or join us as a coaching client in a 1-1 session or in our group,SUCCESS CAMP.


Jodi Nicholson is an Entrepreneur, Success Coach, Consultant and Mentor. Known as The Fabulous Coach she enjoys working with clients from around the world in her private coaching and consulting practice as well as teaching and training the iCoachTo Success Professional Coaching System at the  Success Coach Institute 1-888-689-1130. 

Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life!

~ an excerpt from Millionaire Secrets In You

“There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes;
It’s what you do with them that’s important.” ~ Jim Rohn

Success is like a combination lock, and once you know the numbers and the correct sequence they go in, the lock must open each and every time without fail. Your lock to your own success will be different than anyone else’s, and even though the numbers may be the same, what makes your lock different is the sequence of the numbers. The chapters or keys in this book relate to the numbers of the combination to unlock the success in life that you have always dreamt of.  It’s now up to you to find your sequence.

Life is live, it’s not a dress rehearsal, you can’t take a Mulligan, and you can’t TiVo or DVR it and replay it later, and you can’t get it back to try again. It is happening right now, this very second. You can, however, choose to live it differently, perhaps even better from this second forward. The good news is that things are always changing and you, as the “Director of You” can change your story anytime you want. Yes, you are both the Director and you play the leading role in your life which is appearing “live” right now, so take ACTION.

Today is literally the first day of the rest of your life. Now, choose how you’re going to live it! Set your sight on a goal or desired outcome that you want and then make a plan and work diligently to achieve it.

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan.
And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” ~ Jim Rohn

Think about it … your whole life changes the minute you change how you think and feel about your life!


Jodi Nicholson is Success Coach, Consultant and Mentor. If you would like to experience a quantum leap in your life or business then coaching with her can be an ideal solution as you begin or continue your journey to a successful and fabulous life. For a complimentary consultation, please send an email to Jodi@jodinicholson.com with your contact information and best time to reach you. You may also call 1-888-689-1130 or visit online for more information. VISIT JODI ONLINE
Order Millionaire Secrets in You

Millionaire Secrets In You: Uncover, Unlock and Unleash The Success Within You

Success Leaves Clues …

Success Leaves Clues ~ Learn From Others Before You

By Jodi Nicholson

In 1954 Roger Bannister was the first person to break the four- minute mile. The next year over a dozen other people also did it. Something that hadn’t been done before in history is now common practice. Why? Because success leaves many clues and just because you haven’t done something yet, doesn’t mean it can’t be done. All you need to do is find someone who has done what you want and do exactly what they did to achieve it. Follow their blueprint; mirror their pattern. Certainly, you know plenty of people who you can look to and you will see their level of success. These people have worked hard to get where they are and you can look at them as shining examples of what you could be if you tried.

“If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they did and you’ll achieve the same results.” ~Anthony Robbins

Do you think that some of the successful people that have come before you have suffered from mixed thoughts of themselves or doubts in their abilities? Of course! However, they were able to look past these negative thoughts and feelings in order to focus on persevering and reaching all of their goals. Personal success and success in the business world will only come to you if you can take notes from the people who have succeeded before you in cutting all of the negative thoughts out of their path.

Libraries and bookstores are filled with books of people who have achieved great things and overcame what at the time seemed to be insurmountable obstacles. Their whole history of achievement is laid out there for you to learn from. If you put your hand in a pot of honey some of it will stick. Reading is no different, read a motivational or self help book and some of it will stick. Put the concepts into action and watch yourself gain momentum and improve.

“That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well” ~Abraham Lincoln

Life is truly a journey and you may find a good number of people that you can look up to along the way, even a coach or mentor you if you choose. You can find people in your life or through books and seminars that you can look up to that will become a great source of strength and inspiration. This will be a wonderful asset to have and along the way, compliment yourself for wanting to be better rather then beating yourself up for any of the mistakes that arise.  Be fierce, persistent and un-afraid to talk out your thoughts and feelings with those people in your life that you look up to. I’ve been told many times by my coaching clients that they feel safe in the space we’ve created together, and totally free to express and explore the many facets of their life and business. This, for me personally, is a wonderful compliment to my coaching practice.

Take your life one step at a time. You can achieve great success when you take each goal as it comes, and then work onwards toward the next one. I set landmarks and checkpoints along the way when setting goals to stay on track and regroup when necessary. There may be any number of obstacles that you will need to overcome, so take some clues from the successful people who you can think of and look at some of the clues that they left behind. You can use these clues to set a solid structure in place for the foundation of your own success. You will also be setting your own new levels, and creating your own clues from your own personal experience.

“No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals.”  ~Brian Tracy

Throughout your journey in life and the successes that you are longing for, you can learn a great deal from just about everyone that you meet. Life is a learning process and you have to be aware of everything surrounding you in order to make it. Remember, success leaves clues so think about it … you can achieve whatever you want in life. Just find someone who has done exactly what you want, do what they did to achieve it and you could end up with the same or similar results and possibly something even better.
Jodi Nicholson is an Entrepreneur, Success Coach and Mentor. Known as The Fabulous Coach she enjoys coaching, mentoring and consulting with clients from around the world in her private practice.
MentoringA Mentor is known as a wise and trusted counselor, teacher, facilitator or supporter.  If you would like to experience a quantum leap in your life or business then this aspect of development is ideal as Jodi Nicholson works with you on a very exclusive basis, immersing you on your journey to a successful and fabulous life. For a complimentary consultation or application into Jodi’s Mentorship program, please send an email to Jodi@jodinicholson.com with your level of interest, contact information and best time to reach you. You may also call 1-888-689-1130 or visit online for more information. VISIT JODI ONLINE

Committing To Excellence

By Jodi Nicholson

Success starts with desire, perpetuates through a positive attitude and belief, and is achieved by commitment to excellence and perseverance.

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation.

We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence,

but we rather have those because we have acted rightly.  

We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” ~Aristotle

Do you know that you were put on this planet to do great things? While it may not always seem like you are able to excel in the manner that you would like to, we all have a purpose in life. Some folks were put here in order to bring communities together while others were born into this life in order to create medicines that will heal the sick. We all have a purpose. In order for you to find your purpose in this great thing that we call life, you must first become dedicated. Find your path as you commit to excellence.

You should know that you are never going to be successful at anything unless you put your mind to it. There could be a number of amazing things out there that you can accomplish, however if you do not try then you will never succeed. A commitment to excellence simply means giving it your all, being all you can be, never settling for second best and always striving to be a better person.

When it comes to your personal life, you can commit to excellence by always staying true to yourself and showing others exactly who you are on the inside. Work hard to build strong relationships and never settle for anything less than truth, honesty and integrity. People who have a good level of commitment to excellence are usually quite popular with the general public and are able to easily forge partnerships and relationships with a great number of people.

As you think of commitment to excellence in a professional setting, this is a goal that you can set in order to really put yourself above all of the competition that may stand in your way. Focusing on your goal and sticking with it should be your main priority. Nobody is saying that you have to be perfect. Everyone can tell you that there really is no such thing as perfection. However, you can truly strive to put your best effort forward going into each and every project or task that you take on.

There are a number of businesses and corporations out there who like to use the phrase commitment to excellence as their motto, even professional sports team use it. While these words sound great on paper, if they are not meeting the needs and expectations of their customer base or being all they can be, then the words really mean nothing. When you strive for the best, you have to work at it. It is really that simple.

Sure, there are people out there who do not have to do much work to become successful because they were either born into money or they got lucky. However, you cannot measure success or excellence by the number of zeros that there are in your bank account. True success can be measured by the good things that you do in life for yourself as well as others around you. It can be found in a leading a balanced and well-rounded life paying attention to all aspects respectfully, excellently.

“Desire is the key to motivation, but its determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”  ~Mario Andretti

Commit to yourself. Commit to excellence. Everything else will just simply fall in line. Just think about it … your total commitment to excellence allows you to be your very best at any given moment in time, no regrets, just be your best success.

About the author: Jodi Nicholson is an Entrepreneur, Success Coach, Consultant and Mentor servicing esteemed clients worldwide. She focuses on the interests of personal and professional development to maximize a life of purpose, value and balance.  Jodi enjoys writing, speaking and training for her coaching practice as well as teaching at the Success Coach Institute.

To connect please call 1-888-689-1130, visit http://www.jodinicholson.com or email to Jodi@JodiNicholson.com

The Power of iAM, iCAN and iWILL

The Power of iAM, iCAN & iWILL

~ Raising Self-Esteem Through Positive Affirmations ~

with Jodi Nicholson

Consider that every thought you think and every word you say is an affirmation and all of our self-talk or inner dialogue is a stream of affirmations. We are continually affirming subconsciously with our words and thoughts and this flow of affirmations is creating our life experience in every moment. Our beliefs are just learned thought patterns that we have developed since childhood, many of these patterns have worked well for us, but others may now be working against us, they are dysfunctional and may be sabotaging us from achieving what we believe we want.

Every affirmation we think or say is a reflection of our inner truth or beliefs. It is important to realize that many of these “inner truths” may not actually be true for us now or may be based on invalid or inappropriate impressions we constructed as children, which if examined as an adult can be exposed as inappropriate.

Our subconscious uses the behavior patterns we have learned to automatically respond and react to many everyday events in our life. This is essential to our survival, and we need to be able to respond quickly to events around us which would be impossible if we had to re-examine every aspect of things each and every time something simple happens.

Our learned responses and thought patterns enable us to automatically respond to circumstances quickly and easily. Problems arise however, if at an early stage some of the foundation beliefs on which many of the others are built were formed from a skewed perspective, maybe the strategy was appropriate for a perceived difficult circumstance, however often such beliefs are totally inappropriate for succeeding in the real world as adults.

You can use “Positive Affirmations“, which are usually short positive statements targeted at a specific subconscious set of beliefs, to challenge and undermine the negative beliefs and to replace them with positive self-nurturing beliefs. It is a kind of like cleaning your brain and you get to choose which negative beliefs to wash away. The way these statements are constructed is extremely important. It is important to remember of course that everything we say and think is a positive affirmation, using positive affirmation statements forces us to keep focused on our inner goals and reminds us to think consciously about our words and thoughts and to modify them to reflect our positive affirmation.

The more determined a person is to make positive changes, the more they are prepared to accept the change and let go of the past.

By choosing to think and say positive affirmations as true, the subconscious is forced into one of two reactions – avoidance or reappraisal. The bigger the issue the bigger the gap between the positive affirmation and the perceived inner truth and the more likely that one is going to experience resistance. This is where the subconscious finds it easier to stay with its perceived inner truth and avoid the challenge using any means at its disposal to avoid examining the issue. You will be able to recognize this reaction in your client  by a strong negative feeling inside them (they will tell you) as they state the positive affirmations. Equally if they experience a sense of joy and well being, the mind is instinctively responding to something it believes to be true. When the emotion is present, you know the affirmations are working! Again, ask the client how they are feeling, ask them to describe it. With trust they will share details.

Continually repeating affirmations with conviction and passion will chip away at even the strongest resistance. Once the resistance is broken, the subconscious is able to re-examine the core belief and patterns they have been working on. The effect can be startling and things can change very quickly as the dysfunctional beliefs get identified and replaced by new inner truth. Depending on how deep into the consciousness these beliefs lay, every other learned pattern and belief that relied on the original belief as a premise, becomes unfounded. The subconscious has to re-examine them all, this can lead to a period of introspection. If you find that your client is experiencing serious resistance or have identified an area of trauma, it is advised to recommend they seek professional support.

Because affirmations actually reprogram thought patterns, they change the way a person thinks and feels about things, and by replacing dysfunctional beliefs with new positive beliefs, positive change comes easily and naturally. As a Success Coach I help guide my clients into the new belief system and then together we celebrate the positive effects and amazing changes for the better in many aspects of life.

From my coaching perspective I often notice that clients love and enjoy saying their new positive affirmations having a direct effect on activities, empowerment and their perception of things. Change in a positive direction begins to occur almost immediately. Keep in mind that how quickly you can help to resolve an issue is like asking how deep is the ocean. It depends on the issue, how deeply the belief is held and how a person is to bring about change, the latter being perhaps the most important of all. If you truly are ready and want to make changes, then the quicker those changes will come. People have made cognitive changes in their beliefs almost instantaneously, once they were prepared to embrace and accept a change, and they believe it to be right from their very heart, then that change will happen. So it is not really a question of time, more a question of how accepting of change can a person be?

Affirmations can be used extensively to target negative thought patterns. As a Success Coach I am a guide for my client, a proofreader in a way, making certain that the affirmation is properly versed. The process takes on a new journey to a new way of thinking. The joy is in the journey, and with positive affirmations you now have a tool and the knowledge and skill to deal with these issues effectively.

Affirmations will not only make a person feel better about themselves and their life, affirmations can manifest real change in life. Changing the way a person thinks, reprogramming the mind and removing the old negative beliefs that have been sabotaging again and again throughout life enables a person to achieve the life they’ve always wanted. This is a big win, ultimate success!

Example Affirmations ~ Feel Free To Incorporate Them Into Your Life!

Affirmations for Health

  • Every Cell in my body vibrates with energy and health
  • Loving myself heals my life. I nourish my mind, body and soul

Affirmations for Abundance

  • I am prosperous wherever I turn and I know that I deserve prosperity of all kinds
  • The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful
  • I am joyfully paying my bills with love as I know abundance flows freely through me.

Affirmations for Love

  • I know that I deserve Love and accept it now
  • I give out Love and it is returned to me multiplied
  • I rejoice in the Love I encounter everyday

Affirmations for Romance

  • I am a wonderful partner and I can be happy in my marriage
  • I release any desperation and allow love to find me
  • I attract only healthy relationships
  • I will allow myself to love again and be loved

Affirmations for Weight Loss

  • I am the perfect weight for me
  • I choose to make positive healthy choices for myself
  • I choose to exercise regularly
  • I am a vision of pure health
  • I have a perfect blood profile
  • I consume only what is good and nutritious for a healthy life

Affirmations for Self Esteem

  • I believe in myself, and so do others
  • I express my needs and feelings
  • I am my own unique self – special, creative and wonderful
  • I am fabulous!

Affirmations for Peace and Harmony

  • All my relationships are loving and harmonious
  • I am at peace
  • I trust in the process of life

Affirmations for Joy and Happiness

  • Life is a joy filled with delightful surprises
  • My life is a joy filled with love, fun and friendship all I need do is stop all criticism, forgive, relax and be open.
  • I choose love, joy and freedom, open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life.

Read your positive affirmations out loud and immerse yourself in the “feeling” of what you are saying, hearing and being. Live the journey my friends, and feel the joy ~ Namaste and Make It A Fabulous Day!

Amazon.com: Reflections In Gratitude: A Celebration of Life’s Most Fabulous Moments (9780984501014): Jodi Nicholson: Books

Journaling – A Fabulous Way To Be In Gratitude …

Amazon.com: Reflections In Gratitude: A Celebration of Life’s Most Fabulous Moments (9780984501014): Jodi Nicholson: Books.

Reflections in Gratitude – A Celebration of Life’s Most Fabulous Moments is a simple, clear method of journaling. There are no pre-printed days or dates so you are not bound by formalities so you can be free. Journal when you can, daily is ideal and anytime is always the right time. I do suggest committing to a time and making it an “appointment on your calendar,” an actual commitment until it becomes natural to you like brushing your teeth. As you establish the act of journaling, embrace the “life” it brings. When something has meaning attached to it and you can immerse yourself to see, hear, feel, smell and taste the experiences, then you bring the experience depth and breath; you give it life. Focus on the outcome of the many benefits this particular journal can offer you … It’s about being thankful and grateful for whatever you choose, it’s about your accomplishments, successes, and fabulous moments that you want to remember, and the reflections you have through the experience. While in reflection ask yourself, could I have done something differently? If so, then focus on the outcome with a different component added. How do you feel?  Why? What’s new and fabulous today? Do share … it’s fun!

The act of reflection is to sincerely focus on a thought, activity or some other item of importance with careful consideration. Often times this is best accomplished in a quiet space or soon after being in a calm or meditative state. This process combined with the intention centered in a state of gratitude (feeling grateful or being thankful), can evolve into a profound realization resulting in peacefulness, prosperity, joy, comfort and ultimately, pure love. This can even occur in the midst of what may appear to be a chaotic day.  These are just a few words I use to describe the feelings I experience through this type of journaling.

Note: I have provided a list of virtues, traits and fabulous moments to consider at the end of the journal. You may want to incorporate and adopt some of the words, phrases or meaning into your journaling. I also recommend keeping a thesaurus handy. I utilize http://www.thesaurus.com and when I need a positive replacement word for a not-so-fabulous word or feeling, I go in search of empowerment through positivity. I hope you join me.   

Jodi Nicholson, The Fabulous Coach
