
Taking 100 Percent Responsibility of Your Life

Taking 100% responsibility for your life is taking ownership of it. The choice is yours!

“Responsibility is the price of greatness.” – Winston Churchill

An event, whether positive or negative, does not determine your outcome or your response. The meaning you give the event is what determines your outcome or response. It’s your reaction to the action that becomes the catalyst to what comes next. It can be destructive and debilitating, or it can be abundant and fulfilling. What type of fuel will you choose to use in order to take positive steps and achieve success?

First, it’s time to stop the blaming, shaming, complaining, justifying, and wallowing in self-pity. Instead, it’s time to take your life back by taking 100% responsibility for your life. This is something I’ve learned from a co-author and mentor in life, Jack Canfield. In fact, it is one of the principles he covers in his book “The Success Principles”.

“You are who you are today, and will be who you will be tomorrow because of the actions you take or the excuses you make.” – Kevin Klimowski

We have all been given an opportunity in life. It’s how we interpret it, shape it, apply it (or not) that makes the difference. That’s why some of the poorest of the poor have become the richest of the rich. These are the people who took advantage of the opportunities to become successful. Did they face adversity, roadblocks, failures, and doubts? Sure. But instead of blaming others or life they took responsibility for themselves and achieved their level personal of success.

Life is full of examples of people who overcame disabilities, illness, challenges, and setbacks. All too often in the world today there are people who never want to own up to their actions or even carry out their responsibilities. Once you reach a certain age in your life, you must carry on as an adult and dive headfirst into a world of important decisions. Especially when you think of life decisions that will mold your future, you must take complete responsibility for your actions and choices. You have to stop justifying and blaming if you want to achieve any great level of success in your lifetime.

“We can let circumstances rule us, or we can take charge and rule our lives from within.” – Earl Nightingale

Life is full of learning experiences. If you are not able to learn from mistakes you’ve made, then you are cheating yourself out of some of the most valuable lessons. Character building comes from realizing you have made a mistake, owning up to any situation that you may have caused, and then finding the best possible way to make everything better again. People are quick to point the finger in order to get out of all kinds of sticky situations. However, it is the people who do not turn and run from their responsibilities that become great leaders, excellent parents and are successful in life.

Can society and the ever-intrusive media be the cause of the destruction of integrity and responsibility in the world, as we know it today? Of course! It is the knowledge of just how you can do your part in order to make a change in the world that is most important.

Certainly we are all only human and it is within the nature of humanity to make mistakes. Looking back on your past, owning up to it and taking responsibility for yourself can help to eliminate repeat performances in the future. You are only one person, yet when you show others how to rise above, you are a force to be reckoned with. You are not changing – we can’t change the past. Instead, you are evolving. You are coming forth gradually into being. You are developing yourself, and undergoing a transitional improvement for the betterment of your life.

“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.” – Jim Rohn

Only YOU can either stop or start you. So make the commitment and take ownership of your life, take 100% responsibility!

Living Fabulously …With Integrity, Honesty & Authenticity

“No legacy is as rich as honesty.”

William Shakespeare

To live fabulously with integrity, honesty and authenticity you must first embrace the qualities of each, match your beliefs internally to them and continue to make a daily decision to live by them through your words and actions. Integrity is the adherence to moral and ethical principles, and the soundness of moral character. Honesty is the quality of being honest; uprightness and fair; it’s about truthfulness, sincerity and being free from deceit or fraud. And, authenticity  is about being genuine, trustworthy and reliable. I feel that it starts inside, within the essence of our being, and  flows outside where it thrives when it is in alignment with our talk and our actions; they should mirror each other. Although these are very critical traits, living a life that is grounded with honesty, integrity and authenticity is very possible. If you think it’s hard then it will be. If you know in your heart that this is what you want, then set a clear intention to be “that person” and create your legacy with those principles.As you go throughout your life, there are many obstacles that will come your way and the manner in which you deal with them will have a great deal of impact on your level of integrity. Of course, you can go through life cutting corners in order to get ahead or even tell a couple of white lies when you feel as though you have the need. However, are you really doing yourself any favors by having this type of outlook on life? Are you a wolf in sheep’s clothing? wolf_in_sheeps_cloth

If you had any solid background while you were growing up, then you probably learned the major differences between wrong and right. However, there are many people that dance on the edge of doing what is right and what is convenient to them at the time. In order to truly live an authentic life that is filled with integrity and honesty you have to remember to treat others surrounding you in a manner in which you would expect to be treated. This idea can apply to both your personal and professional life and as a matter of fact, both your personal and professional life are related in a sense when you are speaking of integrity and honesty.

“Integrity is the essence of everything successful.”

R. Buckminster Fuller

When you look at how you want to live your life, you will surely see that there are a number of ways that you can take on the situations that come your way. Think of some of the factors that mold you into the person who you are and the person who you would like to become. Do you have trust? A trust in yourself and what you can achieve is definitely important. At the same time, if others have trust in you then you are going to see many more doors opening for you when it comes to potential opportunities that are going to boost your finances.

“One of the most important ways to manifest integrity is to be loyal to those who are not present. In doing so, we build the trust of those who are present.”

Steven R. Covey

Take pride in what you do. When you have a strong sense of pride in the way that people think of you along with the characteristics that you posses then you will see your reputation growing exponentially. The last thing you will want is to see your reputation suffering any sort of blow that will make your friends, family or colleagues think any less of you. Taking great pride in yourself as a person as well as all of the accomplishments in your life will help to mold you into a person that oozes integrity. It also becomes your natural authenticity which is really how you think of yourself. When you are truly authentic you understand that the “camera is always on” regardless of anyone else being in your physical presence. You are authentic always, even when nobody is watching.

Always be sure to care for each and every relationship within your life. You can almost use the comparison of relationships to plants or flowers in that you have to nurture them in order for them to grow. Once your good relationships grow, you will be able to later reap the benefits. Sure, it is easy to say that you are an authentic, honest person with integrity that others can look up to. However, those are simply words if your actions do not fall in line.

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”

John F. Kennedy

People associate with the people they know, like and trust. When you live in integrity, authenticity and honesty more and more people will want to be around you, and partner and do business with you. Your success is complimented by being successful and your legacy is built upon fabulous traits that will long be remembered, respected and loved.

Make it a fabulous day!

Jodi Nicholson is an Inspirational Speaker, Consultant and Certified Master Coach. With her entrepreneurial spirit, Jodi specializes in Life & Business Coaching, Motivation and Success and has been self-employed in the personal and professional development arena for over 25 years. She shares her passion for helping others in her private coaching practice, trainings and certification classes through the Success Coach Institute. Learn more at

Practice “Perfect Practice”

~ an excerpt from Millionaire Secrets In You


In today’s demanding society, people are constantly striving to be the best that they can be. After all, in order to land the perfect job or get the things that you want in life, you have to be able to excel and take on the role of a go-getter. How do you get to the level where you would like to be? Anyone will tell you that it will take hard work, a lot of determination and loads of practice!

“They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes perfect.
I wish they’d make up their minds.” ~ Winston Churchill

If you always do what you’ve done, you’ll always get what you got. Any professional athlete, actor, celebrity, public speaker, etc. will tell you that to achieve an extremely high level of success you need to practice. Michael Jordan is considered by many to be the greatest basketball player of all time, Jerry Rice holds just about all the receiving records in the NFL, both men have been known to practice to improve their skills more than anyone else in their sports. And this holds true and consistent with any great success in any business or industry. You simply can’t achieve a level of success without practice.

“My father taught me that the only way you can make good at anything is to practice,
and then practice some more.” ~ Pete Rose

Nobody ever wakes up knowing how to play classical music on the piano. Learning an instrument is just one example of how practice can get you further and further toward your desired result. In order to get to the success level that you would like, be it an instrument, sport, salesperson or speaker it is important to set goals for yourself and take the time to practice until you get better and better. While you are learning, it is imperative that you are able to take constructive criticism and feedback on how you are doing from your mentor and coaches or even your peers and clients.

There will be a number of things in your life where you will only attain greatness as long as you practice. Whether you are looking to master a sport, give an amazing presentation or be an outstanding salesperson, there is nothing better than buckling down and practicing.

Half of the battle in this lifetime will be realizing that nobody is perfect. While you may be able to achieve a perfect score on a test or you may find the perfect house to live in, there are many more things out there that will get better with a little bit of practice. If you look at your area of business, there is always room for improvement. Why would you want to be perfect anyhow? It would seem as though perfection would be a little bit boring and lonely. After all, when you are perfect, you have nothing left to strive for, right?

They always say that practice makes perfect, when in reality practice only makes you want to practice more and more. And it’s not just practice, it’s perfect practice that makes the difference. Simply logging time does not cut it. While it may seem to be a daunting task to practice something repeatedly, you must keep your eye on the prize at all times in order to keep things in perspective.

“I know you’ve heard it a thousand times before.
But it’s true – hard work pays off.
If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice, practice.
If you don’t love something, then don’t do it.”
~ Ray Bradbury

Think about it … repetition is the mother of skill; it’s the key to learning or improving on anything, so practice, perfect practice!


Jodi Nicholson ~ The Fabulous Coach, Consultant and Mentor. If you would like to experience a quantum leap in your life or business then coaching with her can be an ideal solution as you begin or continue your journey to a successful and fabulous life. For a complimentary consultation, please send an email to with your contact information and best time to reach you. You may also call 1-888-689-1130 or visit online for more information. VISIT JODI ONLINE
Order Millionaire Secrets in You

Millionaire Secrets In You: Uncover, Unlock and Unleash The Success Within You


Committing To Excellence

By Jodi Nicholson

Success starts with desire, perpetuates through a positive attitude and belief, and is achieved by commitment to excellence and perseverance.

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation.

We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence,

but we rather have those because we have acted rightly.  

We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” ~Aristotle

Do you know that you were put on this planet to do great things? While it may not always seem like you are able to excel in the manner that you would like to, we all have a purpose in life. Some folks were put here in order to bring communities together while others were born into this life in order to create medicines that will heal the sick. We all have a purpose. In order for you to find your purpose in this great thing that we call life, you must first become dedicated. Find your path as you commit to excellence.

You should know that you are never going to be successful at anything unless you put your mind to it. There could be a number of amazing things out there that you can accomplish, however if you do not try then you will never succeed. A commitment to excellence simply means giving it your all, being all you can be, never settling for second best and always striving to be a better person.

When it comes to your personal life, you can commit to excellence by always staying true to yourself and showing others exactly who you are on the inside. Work hard to build strong relationships and never settle for anything less than truth, honesty and integrity. People who have a good level of commitment to excellence are usually quite popular with the general public and are able to easily forge partnerships and relationships with a great number of people.

As you think of commitment to excellence in a professional setting, this is a goal that you can set in order to really put yourself above all of the competition that may stand in your way. Focusing on your goal and sticking with it should be your main priority. Nobody is saying that you have to be perfect. Everyone can tell you that there really is no such thing as perfection. However, you can truly strive to put your best effort forward going into each and every project or task that you take on.

There are a number of businesses and corporations out there who like to use the phrase commitment to excellence as their motto, even professional sports team use it. While these words sound great on paper, if they are not meeting the needs and expectations of their customer base or being all they can be, then the words really mean nothing. When you strive for the best, you have to work at it. It is really that simple.

Sure, there are people out there who do not have to do much work to become successful because they were either born into money or they got lucky. However, you cannot measure success or excellence by the number of zeros that there are in your bank account. True success can be measured by the good things that you do in life for yourself as well as others around you. It can be found in a leading a balanced and well-rounded life paying attention to all aspects respectfully, excellently.

“Desire is the key to motivation, but its determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”  ~Mario Andretti

Commit to yourself. Commit to excellence. Everything else will just simply fall in line. Just think about it … your total commitment to excellence allows you to be your very best at any given moment in time, no regrets, just be your best success.

About the author: Jodi Nicholson is an Entrepreneur, Success Coach, Consultant and Mentor servicing esteemed clients worldwide. She focuses on the interests of personal and professional development to maximize a life of purpose, value and balance.  Jodi enjoys writing, speaking and training for her coaching practice as well as teaching at the Success Coach Institute.

To connect please call 1-888-689-1130, visit or email to

With Patience Comes Prosperity

With Patience Comes Prosperity   by Jodi Nicholson

“Money grows on the tree of patience.” ~ Japanese Proverb

In your life it may seem that all you seem to do is hurry up and then wait. There are many milestones that you look forward to achieving, however it seems like it can take forever for you to get to them. Why is it that people say that ‘patience is a virtue?’ and often times it’s the last thing that you want to hear when you are longing for something to happen. So, how can you go through life with a good understanding of patience and how you can practice it?

Many people get tired of waiting. Whether you are waiting on a decision for a big sale, in line at the grocery store or you have been waiting for a long time to start a new career or business, waiting can be frustrating. Sometimes, you may even find yourself getting bored or angry while you wait, depending on the given situation. What you may not be realizing is that you can end up adding a great deal of unwanted stress to your life. Worrying and frustration are two feelings that can have a profound effect on your body, emotional state as well as your level of success.

To work with patience is to quiet your self, persevere steadily, maintain an even-temper and exercise care and diligence. When you are impatient, then you are actually missing out on a number of wonderful things that are going on around you in life. Whether you realize it or not, you can end up going through life stressed out and not dealing with the here and now simply because you cannot wait a second longer. In addition to the stresses and pieces of life that you are missing out on, you are also walking a fine line that could result in harm to yourself or others around you because you are rushing and not taking care of each situation in the here and now. Rushing projects to completion can lead to many errors and mistakes both in judgment and correctness.

Stop, pause, breathe and reflect to embrace the present moment and organize your thoughts, be patient with yourself.

In order for you to avoid errors, you must adopt an outlook on life that includes patience and the ability to take life as it comes. Living in the moment can have amazing benefits; you simply have to want it. When you are able to live in the present, you will find that you have a much stronger appreciation for the little things in life. Because you are not rushing ahead, you are going to see that the people, places and things that surround you are a huge part of the person that you are today, not who you think is coming in the future.

As you look at patience and the level that you have or do not have, you are going to find that you can live a life that is free of anxiety if you simply put your mind to it. When you feel better and you are less stressed, you will be able to think clearly and more creatively on the goals you want to accomplish. Less cares and worries can make for a calm, happy, successful individual. Patience truly is a virtue; you simply have to use patience to your advantage and enjoy the prosperous returns to your life.

Wonderful things can arise as a result of  being patient, dedicated and persistent on your path to excellence! Make it a fabulous day!

About the author: Jodi Nicholson is an Entrepreneur, Success Coach and Mentor and known as The Fabulous Coach! She enjoys writing, speaking and servicing a global clientele in her private coaching and consulting practice. To connect with Jodi please visit
or THE SUCCESS COACH INSTITUTE at 3837 Northdale Blvd., Suite 328 | Tampa FL 33624 | 1-888-689-1130